Medical Yoga for Centering, and Energizing
Maureen Mason, MSPT, WCS, CCI, PYT-C
Celebrate PT month with yoga! October 22
Warrior Series
What is your mood as
you approach exercise? With a yoga
repertoire, you can choose and adapt your own home program to meet your needs. Start an energizing session with mountain pose. Stand tall, and notice all the textures around your feet, from heels to toes, and the inner and outer pressures on the
Taking a few slow breaths here and
sensing feet, ankles, knees, hips and pelvis-can help your nervous system to
steady and “ground” into appreciation for any aspect of your life. You can practice outdoors, or indoors, and a yoga mat on top of a padded rug is soft and easy.
Getting your feet NAKED is important, our feet get numbed from our footwear and the level surfaces we often walk upon. You can thank your feet for getting you around all your life.
A yoga colleague Dina Chalom, PT, cued me to not quickly blast
out of this mountain pose into the warrior series, but to really make this a
focal point to a start of a session. Sense yourself with stability, being alive, energizing with rhythmic inhalation, exhalation. Grounded feet. Diaphragm breaths are utilized, and the transverse abdominus is engaged to
stabilize the trunk, as well as a slight engagement of the shoulder blades, meeting
each other, while in front holding the shoulders open. The hand position of
prayer pose reminds me to engage both front and back shoulder muscles.
Ginger Garner, of Professional Yoga Therapy, advises hands held together
in mountain and balancing as you step back into Warrior I. Pulling this off
smoothly requires dynamic stability, holding steady in one part while moving
In Warrior I, above, I am checking that both hips are in the same plane, not tipped down on one side, and also that the entire pelvis is aligned towards the front. This allows me to really stretch my quad and hip flexor, vs rotating my spine and pelvis back. After I warm up with this series and few other Asanas, I am able to open up the pose more…but this is it for me in an early am photo shoot. Add Arms up for more of a workout with Warrior I.
Thank your digestion for energizing you. Look forward to your next meal.

Warrior II with arms lifted, shoulder blades can lightly meet each other, then palms can turn down to the floor.While here, sense the back ribs lifting a little as you inhale, while at the same time hold the navel in for stability. Keep shoulders soft and easy.
I like to look out over my forward facing fingertips and consider what I want to focus on for the day, to accomplish.Or if this is a sunset workout for me, I consider a positive emotion to focus upon. When outdoors, I let the natural beauty of the environs refresh me in my own little yoga bubble.
Here, you can thank your lungs for oxygenating all your tissues
These Asana poses may be used prior to meditation practice, or to simply be a self care and refreshment time in your day. In yoga philosophy, the poses are part of a lifestyle for wellness; see the 8 limbs of yoga reference.
After I perform these postures (Asanas) my body feels
lighter and my hips move more fluidly as I walk. A great feeling, older,
stronger! Look at the link below on yoga for healthy aging.
Medical Therapeutic Yoga Definition: Medical
Therapeutic Yoga is the practice of yoga in medicine, rehabilitation, and
wellness settings by a licensed health care professional who is completing or
has graduated from the Professional Yoga Therapy Studies program and has been
credentialed as a Professional Yoga Therapist-Candidate or Professional Yoga
I share this link for the option for you to read more about
how one may “ground” or feel connected to the earth, and your feet, during yoga
exercise. However specifics on foot and knee alignment as given here may not
pertain to you, in other words you may need to have feet slightly turned in or
out depending on your ankles, knees, hips and pelvic structure.
Look at all the medical benefits of regular yoga exercise